Yesterday, I got into it with a well meaning, all be it miss informed, septuagenarian who made the mistake of saying, “These young people (40 and under) just don’t do service.” This statement was met with a collective intake of breath from those in the room. I began by listening, and asking a few questions. His evidence for the opinion, when pressed, was that young people aren’t involved in service clubs like the Lions, Rotary, etc.
I politely disagreed, which earned me a scowl and rebuttal of, “What do they do?”
I proceeded to list the ways the current AmeriCorps and Peace Corps members serve both during their terms of service as well as beyond. This is not to mention those who serve neighborhood, environmental, and church groups. I mentioned the Corporation for National and Community Service study which offers statistical support that young Americans are one of the most engaged and service oriented generations in recent historical memory.
Members of this generation are driven by a desire to see the world a better place, a desire that many work hard to make a reality in formal and informal ways. The number of non-profits rise each year, staffed largely by young energetic visionary people. Whether volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, your local library, alma matre, church, Nature Conservancy Chapter, or any of the thousands of active and important non-profits in their area – young people are involved.
Stay tuned for Dangerous Assumptions: Part 2
If the man is still unconvinced, have him email me in China. We can talk about service...