Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012: A Year of Hope

In a few hours my three youngest sisters will join Katie and I for a night of games, food, and general fun as we ring in the new year. But before the festivities begin, its only appropriate to pause a moment and think about what we are celebrating.

2011 brought us:
Our 2nd Anniversary
A new sister-in-law
New job
Back to Plymouth and near family
The promise of a new Godchild in Jan/Feb
New little cousins
New MOB-nieces
New Ameri-nephew
Many good times with friends and family
And much more for which we are Thankful.

In 2012 we look forward to new opportunities and a fresh start to become what we want to be, what we are meant to be. 2012 may yet be the end of the world as we know it. It may be the beginning of a new era of community and cooperation. 2012 may yet prove to be the year when we see humanity at its very best. For myself I choose to identify this as the year of hope.

Here is to the blessings of the past year. To the lessons learned and the joys realized. We embrace 2012 with open arms and full of hope for a year of family, friends, and good beer!

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